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NTSprint: A Story of Perseverance and Growth

NTSprint: A Story of Perseverance and Growth

Our story began on May 5, 2016, when Eduardo Noriega and Ivan Tandrón decided to create a company and name it NTSprint. Since that moment on, they had a mission: to develop software solutions for American enterprises.

Our story began on May 5, 2016, when Eduardo Noriega and Ivan Tandrón decided to create a company and name it NTSprint. Since that moment on, they had a mission: to develop software solutions for American enterprises.

From that moment on, with many challenges ahead of us, we started to build the NTSprint culture, which is based on quality and customer service in first place. The institutional idiosyncrasy also focuses on developers as the basis of success by offering them challenging projects that motivate their growth and professional improvement, and by linking good results with an economic reward to offer their families the bonanza they deserve.

Our strength is our people. With a very rigorous selection process we guarantee that we hire the most talented engineers we can find.

Here are some of the technologies in which NTSprint has strong expertise:

  • Languages: C#, Java, Typescript and Python.
  • Web Server: ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET and PHP.
  • Web Client: JavaScript, JQuery, Angular, React and Bootstrap.
  • Mobile: Flutter, Kotlin, Xamarin, Android Native and iOS Native development.
  • Cloud: Azure, AWS and Google Cloud.
  • Others: SQL Server, MySQL and MariaDB.

Customers and projects

The number of our customers increases considerably every year. We have clients that have been working with us since the beginnings of the company. Some of these loyal customers are: A2BTracking, StartBlox, OpenTech, CGSupply, Kobargo, HeritageHouse, Cleanetto, FixFinder, IVacationOnline and Escapology. Besides them, we have worked with approximately 150 clients throughout our entire trajectory. When they choose us as the development team in charge of several of their projects; it speaks highly of our retention ability and the quality of our service.

Not all projects have been successful. The most important thing is that after each experience, we have tried to understand what we did wrong and have defined what we can do better next time. Learning that allows, us to grow. This is the greatest benefit we can take from bad experiences.

Our formula for success

The formula for success in our business is very simple:  find a customer, offer them excellent service and turn them into a happy customer who will continue working with us for a long time. Then, repeat the same process with a new customer. Putting this formula into practice over and over again is what allows us to make NTSprint the premier software development company in the Caribbean.

We don’t settle for good enough, we strive for excellence and do everything we can to make our clients happy. Our goal is to grow together because our clients’ success is our success.

We have always maintained the drive to grow our company. Growth translates into impact. This allows us to always make access to competitive markets, challenging projects and growth, both professionally and financially, available to a greater number of professionals. We cannot achieve our mission of helping more young people succeed if we do not grow as a company.

The diversity we are proud of

During our trajectory we have hired a large number of female engineers and developers (Developers, PMs and QAs) so that our company is not only formed by male workers. Today NTSprint is a mix of more than 100 engineers from different regions of the Caribbean, races, ages and genders distributed among several development and PM/QA teams, a Design team, a Human Resources and Finance team, an English language improvement team, and a Sales team.

We have made several salary increases and promotions, and we continue our diversity and inclusion push. All of this growth is centered on a “people first” policy, which means that our company’s most important resource is our people. This policy has translated into investments to make our work more enjoyable and effective.

Goals we continue to pursue:

  • Expansion and growth of our teams.
  • Achievement of excellent technical quality of the products.
  • Continue to invest in our people through initiatives promoted by our Human Resources team.
  • Become the model of what excellent Customer Service is.

To conclude this article, we would like to share with you our dream and vision: to turn NTSprint into a company that is even more solid and committed to its people.

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